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Because models are arguments about, rather than descriptions of, literary phenomena, modelling offers a richer, more flexible framework for such research than earlier, positivist approaches. But what are the things-in-the-world that we model when we transition from print cultural objects, such books, to mass-digitised (and digitalised) collections? In asking where our new “texts” begin and/or end – and whether we should think of them as “texts” at all – this discussion session will consider the limits of representational frameworks for data modelling and the possibilities of a performative materialist approach.

Please note: this meeting will take place on Friday (29 January), 10 AM.

(Stern) Please watch this video of Kath Bode's talk before the meeting. In our meeting, Kath Bode will depart from that video and open our discussion with a reflection of pertinent issues.

Katherine Bode is Professor of literary and textual studies at the Australian National University. She is the author or co-editor of books including A World of Fiction: Digital Collections and the Future of Literary History (2018), Advancing Digital Humanities: Research, Methods, Theories (2014), Reading by Numbers: Recalibrating the Literary Field (2012) and Resourceful Reading: eResearch, the New Empiricism, and Australian Literary Culture (2009).