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Are you stuck with your pottery research? Do you need a new way to kiln your time? Drop your sherds, seize the clay and join our group!

We are a newly established Archaeological Pottery Network offering a supportive space where to share ideas and present doubts concerning your research. It doesn’t matter at what stage of your academic career you are at: we are here to help you!

Our group is formed by PhD students from BerGSAS working on different kinds of ceramic objects in archaeology, who felt the need to create an informal forum where we can discuss methodological issues and current trends in pottery studies. The idea is not only to connect early-stage career researchers, B.A. and M.A. students of the Freie Univeristät Berlin and of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin to each other, but also specialists, academics and non-academics, working on pottery in archaeology at different institutions both within and outside Berlin.

Beside methodology and theory, we believe that a fundamental part for a successful study ofarchaeological of archaeological pottery is the acquisition of the practical know-how related to pottery production. Therefore, we are also organising experimental archaeology workshops where you can get first-hand
experience of clay preparation, vessel forming and firing techniques, so to fully understand this class of material both from a technological and from an anthropological point of view.

Meetings: last Thursday of every month 17:30 – 19:00.

Location: Hittorfstr. 18, 14195 Berlin / Zoom (hybrid format).

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