Digital Archaeology Network

All modern archaeologists know only too well the challenges and problems of up-to-date digital research methods. The floppy disk just won’t fit into the USB port. Windows 2000 can’t even calculate the most basic SFM-Models. The mess you sketched in Paint doesn’t look anything like a map of prehistoric Kreuzberg. The hamster in the treadwheel powering your laptop has escaped and is eating your porridge in the kitchen again. But do not despair: you are not alone with your problems! Someone out there has the solution! And they’re probably in the Digital Archaeology Network.

The Digital Archaeology Network within the BerGSAS has recently formed to facilitate exchange and learning about digitally based methods in archaeology and related fields. Participants get the chance to discuss their approaches and the challenges therein with a group of informed and interested early-career researchers. In this way, problems can be made visible, solutions can be discussed and found together and impulses for digital archaeology can be given and taken. The network is seeking to be an interdisciplinary community with members of diverse working fields and institutions, and is therefore open to everyone interested in digital archaeology.

The possible aspects of this topic are many, all of which can be discussed within the network. As a principle focus, work and analyses with GIS have been chosen as the leading topic in the beginning phase. Under this headline, the network is organizing lectures and trainings with experienced experts in the field as well as working sessions within the community. See the paragraphs below for further information and write us an e-mail to learn more! We are looking forward to hearing from you – and now, get that hamster out of your cereals! 

Program: Work in progress! 

We are currently working at the program for the summer semester 2023, stay tuned for updates!

Events: time and location

Lectures/trainings: every last Wednesday of the month at 17:15 in hybrid format (BerGSAS - Hittorfstraße 18, 14195 Berlin/ Webex)

Plenary meetings: every last Friday of the month from 16:00 to 18:00 (online).

Willkommen in Ihrem neuen Bereich!

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